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Lecture 5

Lecture Slides

Assignment 3 (due Monday 1/7 7:30pm PM on CMS)

Conditional Rendering

Sometimes we only want things to render when a certain condition is met. For example, only display text when we meet a certain condition. React has conditional rendering to make this very simple.

import React from 'react';

export default ({ prelimToday }: { readonly prelimToday: boolean }) => {
if (prelimToday) {
return <p>I have a prelim today.</p>;
} else {
return <p>I don't have a prelim today.</p>;

In this example, we have a functional component PrelimTime that takes in a prop prelimToday. prelimToday is a boolean holding whether we have a prelim today or not. We want the component to display "I have a prelim today." if prelimToday is true and "I don't have a prelim today." if it is false.

Traditionally, we would use the if statement for this behavior (as shown above). We can also use conditional rendering to make writing this functionality more convenient.

First we can use the ternary operator:

import React from 'react';

export default ({ prelimToday }: { readonly prelimToday: boolean }) => (
? <p>I have a prelim today.</p>
: <p>I don't have a prelim today.</p>;

The ternary operator is also very common in other languages as well such as Java or Python. The basic syntax is as follows:

[boolean expression] ? [true_result] : [false_result]

Before the ? you have your expression producing true or false. The part after the ? but before the : is the result/functionality you want if the boolean expression evaluates to true. The part after the : is what you want to happen if the expression is false.

Connecting with the PrelimTime example, my boolean expression was just the prop prelimToday, although in your code it can be a more complex boolean expression. If prelimToday is true, I display "I have a prelim today." If prelimToday is false, I display "I have a prelim today."

Notice though, how the only thing changing in this text is adding the word "don't" if prelimToday is false. So only if prelimToday is false, we want to add don't.

React supports the use of && operator:

import React from 'react';

export default ({ prelimToday }: { readonly prelimToday: boolean }) => (
<p>I {!prelimToday && "don't"} have a prelim today.</p>

Here, we display the text "I have a prelim today.". However, in the curly braces, if prelimToday is false then the word "don't" will be rendered. Conditional rendering with && is useful when you only have expected behavior for one branch of the conditional. In this case, I only had desired behavior if prelimToday was false.

As you have seen, React's conditional rendering made modifying render behavior based on conditions a lot easier. In this small example, we went from five lines of code in the component to just one!

Composition vs. Inheritance

Composition and inheritance are two programming techniques for defining how classes relate to objects. (Think of classes as the blueprint for a house and objects the actual houses created from that blueprint)


Composition defines a class as the sum of its individual parts. This is a "has-a" relationship (e.g. a car has a steering wheel, has a window, etc). In Java (and other object oriented languages), these components are represented as instance variables.


Inheritance derives one class from another. If class A is the parent of class B and C, B and C inherit the properties/functions of A. This is a "is-a" relationship (e.g. car is a vehicle, circle is a shape.)

React uses Composition

β€œReact has a powerful composition model, and we recommend using composition instead of inheritance to reuse code between components.” -- React Docs


Components may not know their children ahead of time.

Children are the components you put within another component:

<ComponentA>{/* anything here is a child of Component A */}</ComponentA>

Use the children prop to pass in children components.

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
type Props = { readonly children: ReactNode };
const Container = (props: Props) => (
<div className="Border">{props.children}</div>
const App = () => (
<div className="App">

props.children will have the paragraph elements.

We didn't actually get to this live demo, adapted from this tutorial in the React docs, during lecture but it is very simple if you want to try it out yourself. We also show how to import styles.

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
import './Container.css'; // this is how we import styles

type Props = { readonly children: ReactNode };

export default (props: Props) => <div className="Border">{props.children}</div>;
.Border {
border: 4px solid black;
background-color: azure;

Less common but you also may want multiple "holes" in your component (for example, a left and right child):

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
import './SplitPane.css';

type Props = { readonly left: ReactNode; readonly right: ReactNode };

export default (props: Props) => (
<div className="LeftPane">{props.left}</div>
<div className="RightPane">{props.right}</div>
/* these colors are ugly I know */
.LeftPane {
float: left;
width: 50%;
background-color: red;

.RightPane {
float: right;
width: 50%;
background-color: aquamarine;
import React from 'react';
import SplitPane from './SplitPane';
import Container from './Container';

export default () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<p>Hello, world!</p>
left={<div>I'm on the left!</div>}
right={<div>I'm on the right!</div>}

Lifting State Up

This section was a (old) live demo, adapted from this tutorial in the React docs.

import { useState } from 'react';
import TemperatureInput from './TemperatureInput';

type Scale = 'celsius' | 'fahrenheit';

const Calculator = () => {
const [temperature, setTemperature] = useState('');
const [scale, setScale] = useState<Scale>('celsius');

const onCelsiusChange = (t: string) => {

const onFahrenheitChange = (t: string) => {

const fahrenheitToCelsius = (t: number) => {
return ((t - 32) * 5) / 9;

const celsiusToFahrenheit = (t: number) => {
return (t * 9) / 5 + 32;

const tryConvert = (targetScale: Scale) => {
const temp = parseFloat(temperature);
if (Number.isNaN(temp)) {
return '';
const res = getAppropriateTemperature(temp, targetScale);
const trimmed = Math.round(res * 1000) / 1000;
return trimmed.toString();

const getAppropriateTemperature = (tempNum: number, targetScale: Scale) => {
if (targetScale === scale) {
return tempNum;
} else {
if (targetScale === 'celsius') {
return fahrenheitToCelsius(tempNum);
} else {
return celsiusToFahrenheit(tempNum);

return (

export type { Scale };
export default Calculator;
import { Scale } from './Calculator';

type Props = {
readonly scale: Scale;
readonly temperature: string;
readonly onTemperatureChange: (t: string) => void;

const TemperatureInput = ({
}: Props) => {
return (
<legend>Enter temperature in {scale}</legend>
onChange={(event) => onTemperatureChange(}

export default TemperatureInput;

More On Hooks

A hook in React is a JS/TS function for "hooking" into functionality in React functional components.

We've worked with useState and useEffect which introduces state and side effects to your React component, respectively.

Hook Rules


Hooks have the following naming scheme: useXXXX (camelCase). It is imperative that you name your hooks using this scheme - the function name is the only way to identify the function as a hook to other developers as well as your IDE.

It is also a good idea to avoid prefixing regular variable names with use, to avoid confusion.

Top Level

Hooks (both built-in and custom hooks) can only be called within React components or other React hooks. More specifically, they should only be called in the top level of such functions.

The reason for this is that you want hooks to be called in the same order, the same amount of times each time the function runs. This restriction is necessary for React to optimize the performance of hooks.

This means that you should not call hooks in:

  • conditionals
  • loops
  • nested functions

Here are some examples of what not to do (and would trigger linter errors):

const RandomComponent = () => {
const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); // this is fine
if (foo < 100) {
const [bar, setBar] = useState(0); // this is NOT fine
const RandomComponent = () => {
const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0); // this is fine
for (let i = 0; i < foo; i++) {
const [bar, setBar] = useState(0); // this is NOT fine
const RandomComponent = () => {
const doHookStuff = () => {
const [bar, setBar] = useState(0); // this is NOT fine

It's a good practice to call all your hooks line-by-line at the top of your function.

Custom Hooks

There are many hooks that React gives us out of the box, but we can put them together to make our own hooks!

This is useful to abstract out common functionality, the same way programmers do with regular functions.

If you ever notice that you are doing repetitive tasks with hooks across multiple React components, it might be a good idea to put all that logic into your own hook.

Syntax for Custom Hook

Just write a function using hooks! Make sure your function is named according to the useXXXX scheme.

There is no function signature that you must follow in order for it to be hook - it can have whatever arguments and return type that you choose.

Learn more about custom hooks here


useMemo is a useful hook that can help you improve the performance of your component by reducing the amount of unnecessary calculations.

Syntax: const result = useMemo(func, deps)

func is an "expensive" calculation that we want to memoize

deps is the list of dependencies (just like in useEffect)

In essence, the hook will call func initially and put whatever it returns into result. Then ONLY when something in deps changes does func gets called again - otherwise result will be the memoized return value. Whenever such a refresh occurs, the new return value of func will overwrite the old memo.

Here is an example of where you might want to useMemo:

const expensiveFunction = (n: number) => {
/** do something that takes a lot of cpu */

const RandomComponent = () => {
const [foo, setFoo] = useState(0);
const [bar, setBar] = useState(0);

// This runs expensiveFunction when foo changes but bar doesn't
const baz = expensiveFunction(bar);

// This runs expensiveFunction ONLY when bar changes
const baz = useMemo(() => expensiveFunction(bar), [bar]);

IMPORTANT PITFALL: You may be tempted to put useMemo everywhere; however, this is not a good idea. Every hook has some performance overhead, so adding useMemo in places where you don't need it can actually worsen performance!

You can profile your code with and without the useMemo call to judge whether it's a good idea. You can profile the performance of your website using the Developer Tools found in most browsers.


We've covered passing down props in previous React lectures. However, that's pretty annoying if every component within a hierarchy needs that prop.

Is there a better way then manually passing down that prop to every component that needs it?


The useContext hook allows you to wrap an entire component tree with a "context" that every component in that tree can access!

A great use case for this hook is for theme data - each component needs to know which theme is selected in order to display the correct colors, for example.

Here is the example pulled from the official React docs

const themes = {
light: {
foreground: '#000000',
background: '#eeeeee',
dark: {
foreground: '#ffffff',
background: '#222222',

const ThemeContext = React.createContext(themes.light);

const App = () => {
return (
<ThemeContext.Provider value={themes.dark}>
<Toolbar />

const Toolbar = () => {
return (
<ThemedButton />

const ThemedButton = () => {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return (
<button style={{ background: theme.background, color: theme.foreground }}>
I am styled by theme context!

We won't be requiring use of custom hooks, useMemo, or useContext in our assignments, so this is just for fun!

Data Fetching

Data fetching is getting information (data) from an outside source (e.g. REST API)

In this lecture we'll be discussing how to fetch data through traditional HTTP requests (so far the most popular way), but keep in mind that there are other ways to fetch data out there, which we will cover later.

How do we fetch (in React)?

So how do we fetch data with our React frontend?

Two important things to note:

  1. Modern browsers have a nifty little JavaScript function called fetch that you can use to call API endpoints. Libraries such as axios provide similar functionality. There are also libraries like swr that provide easy ways to re-fetch resources automatically.

  2. The useEffect React hook allows you to trigger side effects, such as fetching data!

We want to keep track of our data in our component state, and use hooks like useEffect to fetch the data and update the state accordingly!

Fetching Example

Consider this snippet of code:

// This corresponds to the type of data you expect to get back in your response
type DataType = readonly string[];

const App = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState<DataType>([]);

useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((d) => setData(d));
// ... other methods, return, etc

Here are the important parts:

  • We have data in our component state. Later, we call setData on what the backend sends to us.
  • We declare a type definition for the useState call so that TS knows the type of data we're working with. (It can't infer type from an empty array!)
  • The useEffect hook is used to subscribe to new data.
  • fetch(...) is called on an API link, followed by .then(...) calls that format the response into json and then setData to the response. The .then() calls exist because fetch() returns a Promise (this is explained below)

Let's take a deeper look at fetch!


"stop trying to make fetch happen πŸ‘§"

fetch(resource, [init]) is a native browser function for making web requests.

Its params are:

  • resource: URL of the site you are fetching from
  • init: optional object containing any custom settings you want to apply to the request.
    // your init object might look like this
// HTTP request method
method: 'GET', // | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | etc
// Any request headers you want to add
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
// Request body (remember to stringify!)
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody)
// ... other settings
  • For more on the init object, refer to this link!

IMPORTANT: fetch() returns a PROMISE!


Operations like web requests don't complete instantly! You want to do other stuff while the operation is still going on.

Promises represent the eventual completion (or failure) of an async operation.

Promises are in one of three possible states:

  • pending: initial state; neither fulfilled nor rejected
  • fulfilled: operation completed successfully
  • rejected: operation failed


.then() is a function on Promises that return a promise.

p.then(onFulfilled[, onRejected])

Let's break this down!

  • p is a Promise.
  • onFulfilled is the callback function that is run when p is fulfilled
  • onRejected (OPTIONAL) is the callback for when p is rejected
(value) => {
// fulfillment
(reason) => {
// rejection

Let's talk about types! p in this case might be fetch(), which returns the type Promise<Response>. If so, then value would have the type Response. Then, if the fulfillment function (which takes in value) returns type string, then the entire expression would be type Promise<String>.

If you've taken CS 3110 or done some functional programming outside of this class/category theory, this might make you think of Monads/Applicatives/Functors. The specified behavior for Promises in JS/TS don't exactly follow the laws of what was just listed, but for learning purposes it may be helpful to roughly compare the then function to fmap or bind.

If you're interested, take a look at this snippet and notice how the types behave:

// promise: Promise<Response>
const promise = fetch('something');

// kindaFunctor: (res: Response) => number
const kindaFunctor = (res: Response) => res.status;

// kindaMonad: (res: Response) => Promise<string>
const kindaMonad = (res: Response) => res.text();

// newPromise1: Promise<number>
const newPromise1 = promise.then(kindaFunctor);

// newPromise2: Promise<string>
const newPromise2 = promise.then(kindaMonad);


.catch() is a function on Promises that catches a rejection.


For example, you might want to console.log errors:

.catch((err) => console.log(err));

Note that onRejected takes a parameter of type any, since we don't know the type of the error we will get.

Using .then() with fetch()

fetch() returns a Promise that resolves to a Response object.

Consider this snippet, similar to one shown above:

.then((res) => res.json())
.then((d) => setData(d))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

Here we are getting the response from an endpoint and then calling .json() on the response and then calling setData on the result of json().

If a promise gets rejected anywhere along this chain, we will log the error in our console.